We provide video chat coaching for your convenience.

For parents who are tired of daily struggles with their kids.

Offering parents a shift in mindset, encouraging optimism and positive energy as you gain awareness of your own set of values, beliefs and patterns. We work on goal achievement in a casual, safe and non-judgmental manner. This process takes time and dedication, patience and persistence. Progress is gradual and requires effort and action!

Private Coaching

For singles or couples, a 12-week exclusive program offering inspiration, insights and strategies designed to strengthen family relationships, create positive approaches to discipline, improve listening, communicating, problem-solving and conflict resolution skills, encourage cooperation, cultivate emotional intelligence, integrate mindfulness, compassion and mutual respect.

Group Coaching

Groups of 4-6 parents with similar challenges come together to learn and grow while supporting one another.  I present information and facilitate discussion in an 8-week program designed for your specific issues.  Attendees can share concerns, challenges, and issues related to parenting such as

  • effective communication
  • relationship nurturing
  • conflict resolution


A single event speaking engagement with attendee engagement and participation. For larger groups, where you pick the area of focus relating to working with ages 0-10-year-olds.