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Effective Parent Coach: Blog

Being Your Best Parenting-Self Requires Nourishing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

By Dawn Bentley-Meehan

Most parents feel enough stress in their daily lives that they don’t need another thing to do or think about.  Completely understood, however, there is the paradox of self-care that is difficult to deny.  Nurturing yourself: refueling your energy, renewing your mind, body and spirit, means you are better for yourself and others. When you discover that your self-care not only models healthy habits to your children, but also allows you to be more present and centered, good things happen.

This practice supports you to be more effective in challenging situations. Start with something manageable.  Carve out a little time on your daily planner.  Make it a priority, even if it requires only a couple minutes, the rewards will be gratifying.  Here’s a few ideas to get you started.

  • Cuddles and lovin’ with family members
  • A nice hot bath with a refreshing beverage, candles, soft music
  • A brisk walk outside in the fresh air
  • A gratitude list
  • A 5-minute meditation
  • Ask for help when needed
  • Read a positive affirmation daily
  • Use visualization at bedtime

Do something for you today (every day).  You’ll be amazed how less reactive you are under pressure. Your kids don’t want a perfect mom, they want a happy mom.